Not long ago I had a talk with an old friend, who I have not seen for a while, and for some reason we started to talk about plans about building a subway for Cluj. My friend was very enthusiastic about it, saying stuff about a fully autonomous subway (like in Torino) which goes under the Somes river and just covers the major areas of the city. Well, for sure the city is really starting to need something like that, especially if they plan to reduce car traffic within the city center, so the idea really seemed interesting: a subway in Cluj, I wonder what is the truth about the rumors?
I started to dig a bit through the internet to find any useful information about the project, but sadly there is not much hard evidence of any plans. Well, I have to correct myself: there are plans, but they simply seem very blurry with no clear plans of how, where and even who would build the subway.
One of the oldest articles (in Romanian) I have found about this issue is only talking about the need of such a facility, even stating that the subway would not exactly be a subway but a monorail (!?). First things first: yes, the trains in a subway do have versions which go on a a single rail, but not all monorails are subways… there is a fundamental difference between them (literally). Anyway this article was written in 2008 when people did not really know the difference between a plan and a dream, so let’s call the monorail a subway…
Another article, dated a few months later, talks about the location of the eventual tracks: NOT within the city limits: more like a mini-train between the edge of the city and the newly formed industrial park (Jucu). There are talks about a second phase of connecting it to the Airport, too… Apart from the last part which is clearly just propaganda talk, since the airport is in a totally different direction, the plans seems to be more mature and started to make sense: yes our subway is actually a monorail above the ground: cheaper, doable, more realistic.
And so, the year 2009 came, and another article came out with a totally different plan developed by some Dutch specialists, to build the subway along the line of the Somes river…. ’cause it’s… feasible (!?). Yes… I thought we were planning to make promenade’s among the coast of the Somes river… 🙁 . Don’t go ruin that!… Pretty please!… (Later plans show they wont 😉 )
So: we are in 2010 in deep sh… economical crisis. There are no more plans coming out. Although the city is getting more and more crowded, people have stopped dreaming. At least they are not shouting around anymore 🙂 .